Hotel satisfaction form

You stayed at our establishment and we thank you.
With a view to improving our services, please find a satisfaction form below.
Please take a few minutes of your time to complete it and tell us about your experience at Le Chambard. 

Personal details

1°. Were you warmly welcomed?
Yes, very much so
No, not at all
2°. Was your room clean?
Very clean
Averagely clean
3°. What do you think of the room comfort?
Excellent comfort
Good comfort
Average comfort
To improve
4°. Any additional wishes, such as gym?

5°. Did you like the breakfast-service?
Yes, very good
Nothing special
Not at all
6°. Have you any suggestion how we can improve our breakfast?

7°. How did you feel after your relaxing moment at the spa or after your treatment ?

To help us to improve the quality of our service, we thank you for indicating us all kinds of concerns which you had during your stay in your room :

8°. How did you find “le Chambard”?

9°. Altogether, how was your stay with us?
Very pleasant
10°. Would you recommend us to your friends?
Do not know